Autoimmune Quick-Start Guide


Reigns Method™ advanced therapy for autoimmunity is a specific program designed to regulate your immune system and rebuild your microbiome. This is a suitable guide for all autoimmune conditions. In this document, we will go through all of the “whys” behind the recommendations in the Method. You may commence with the Method as soon as you feel ready.

The bacteria in your microbiome have lifecycles that range from one single day to twenty-four months. Without a sufficient amount of the specific food a bacterium requires during their lifecycle, these bacteria die-off. This die-off can be used to change the microbiome composition in a beneficial way.”

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“Use this guide to empower yourself with every bite of food that you ingest!” - Mary Setchell Ruddick, Certified Nutritionist

A note on autoimmunity:

  • The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association published in 2019 that one in six Americans were diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder.

  • With autoimmunity, the immune system is overactive, and attacks the body’s own tissues.

  • The immune system has often become “confused” by an abundance of certain plant proteins and toxins within the body.

  • There is often a deficiency of glyconutrients needed to help regulate the immune system.

  • 80% of the human immune system is developed within the gut lining. It is separated by your food intake by an absorptive membrane that is one cell thick.

  • The immune system has a primary food, and that food is saturated fat and cholesterol. Without ample saturated fat intake, the immune system cannot properly regenerate.

  • Lectins (a ‘sticky’ plant toxin found within certain foods) can damage the immune system.

  • There are both toxic and non-toxic lectins within plants. Only lectins that are toxic to human are an issue with autoimmunity, and these must be avoided. These are found in foods like tomatoes, beans, bell peppers, zucchini, sunflower seeds, and peanuts.

  • Plants also contain other toxins, in particular saponins, oxalates, phytates and a large number of alkaloids that are poisonous or can build up in the body causing a wide range of effects, in particular related to autoimmunity but also endocrine, metabolic and nervous system dysfunctions.

  • The food list and preparation methods in this guide helps you avoid the worst of these.

  • A study released in 2017 fount that 95/102 patients achieved complete resolution of autoimmune markers and inflammatory markers within 9 months of being on a lectin-free diet. The other 7/102 patients all had reduced markers, but incomplete resolution. 80/102 patients were weaned from all immunosuppressive and/or biologic medications without rebound.

  • Lectins are blocked or partially blocked by glyconutrients.

  • Lectins can be reduced by certain fermentation and cooking methods, but even these methods are not permitted until one has been in full remission for a significant amount of time.