Anticancer Quick-Start Guide


Reigns MethodTM Type IV advanced therapy for cancer is a specific program designed to reactivate one’s own immune system against cancer cells. This program does not interfere with any other cancer therapies you may be using currently or in the future, so you are therefore are free to do Reigns IV alone or in conjunction with any other therapy you and your doctor decide to use. In this document, we will go through all of the “whys” behind the recommendations in the Method. You may commence with the Method as soon as you feel ready.

“Cancer cells use ten times more glucose than healthy human cells which is why PET scans use glucose (aka sugar) as a marker to identify cancer.”

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“Use this guide to empower yourself with every bite of food that you ingest!” - Mary Setchell Ruddick, Certified Nutritionist

A note on cancer:

  • When cancer is developing in the body, it is due to an impaired immune system and toxicity.

  • When the immune system is impaired, the body cannot recognize and destroy cancer cells.

  • Cancer cells are in a dysfunctional metabolic state (this involves impaired blood sugar utilization).

  • Cancer cells do not go through apoptosis (programed cell death) when they should.

  • Cancer cells use energy in a different way to healthy human cells.

  • Cancer can be caused by epigenetic changes, DNA damage, and viruses. All of these factors can be positively impacted by your diet and lifestyle.

  • There are certain amino acids and hormones (like glutamate or estrogen) that cancer cells use, or are more sensitive to, than healthy human cells. This protocol has taken these factors into consideration.