Top 10 Nutrition Tips for Acne

Clearing Acne With Food

Acne is not only annoying, it also hurts. It influences your confidence, your freedom to go out without makeup, causes impulses to constantly check your face, and is sometimes itchy, painful, and out there where the whole world can see. Unfortunately, in our society, having acne is shameful and means that something is wrong with you. I disagree, but if you are still tired of having the itchy and painful side effects of acne, here are 10 nutrition tips to help get rid of it!. The truth is, what we put in our bodies has an effect on our skin and acne. 

1.Drink Broth

Meat stock and bone broth made from bone and ligament tissue of organic pastured animals contains minerals and amino acids, like glycine, that are more readily used for the rejuvenation of fast dying cells like our skin and our intestinal walls. In fact, your skin regenerates every  27 days. The collagen and gelatin from meat stock and bone broth make up 75% of your skin proteins. Environmental damage can inhibit the body’s ability to replenish collagen in the skin so it is essential to eat exogenous proteins to replace the old. 

2. Eat Probiotic Foods

Gut health is a big part of skin health because toxins that build up in the gut have nowhere else to go but the skin. Poor digestion can feed opportunistic bacteria and create imbalances in the gut microbiome (the diverse ecosystem of bacteria in your intestines). This creates infections and inflammation in the gut which start to expel toxins that leach into the bloodstream. Eating probiotic rich foods helps balance the ecosystem so opportunistic bacteria don’t take over  (like weeds in a garden). Bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium that are often lacking in the standard american diet are essential for healthy skin because they allow for proper detoxification. Try eating sauerkraut, beet kvass, kimchi, lacto-fermented vegetables, yogurt, kefir, and/or take a probiotic pill daily. 


Peach Creamsicles- Dairy Free, Paleo, Refined Sugar Free, GAPS


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